The Seedling

It was the late fifties. I was but a mere lad, my being still permeated with the innocence of youth. At the age where imagination runs rampant and anything is possible. Perhaps a message from outer space… or perhaps even from a distance beyond space. On that fateful day, I was strolling across the square of my little hometown of Benton, Ohio when a most amazing thing occurred. In my path, a messenger from beyond came whizzing down directly in front of me. It whirled to a stop at my feet, much like a helicopter might alight. Its bulbous head was attached to a winglike appendage. Had it dropped out of Heaven? Had an angel lost a wing? Was I the first person on Planet Earth to witness such an event? Why might I have been so chosen? I picked up the little traveler from the great beyond and admired it in wonderment. What could it possibly be? I took it home and from our second-story porch I dropped it several times, watching in awe as it twirled to the ground. I believed I alone in the vast universe had received such a messenger from above. Imagine my surprise when a few days later at school I saw a few more messengers scattered across the parking lot. My curiosity got the better of me, and I inquired of my teacher concerning this strange phenomenon. “It’s a seedpod from a maple tree,” he replied. “They drop in the spring and twirl away, hoping to find a landing spot where they can grow.” At my house we only had weeping willow trees. No maples had ever graced our lawn. Recently I was reminded of that mysterious invader from above and was marveling at how God’s creation worked. Those seedpods were created to twirl. I believe God has created us humans in the same fashion. We are intended to twirl, swirl, jump for joy, and praise our Creator just as that little maple seedpod did on that day so many years ago. As I further contemplated that memory, a story came to mind. A story I call “The Seedling.” That story is now a gift book entitled, “THE SEEDLING” A love story in nature. That small mysterious invader from above was created to twirl, and so were we. We are intended to twirl, swirl, jump for joy, praise our creator—and be born to new life.
Hiking Through

After Paul Stutzman lost his wife to breast cancer, he sensed a tug on his heart - the call to a challenge, the call to pursue a dream. With a mixture of dread and determination, Paul left his job, traveled to Georgia, and took his first steps on the Appalachian Trail. What he learned during the next four and a half months changed his life and can change yours as well. In Hiking Through, you'll join Paul on his remarkable 2,176-mile trip through 14 states in search of peace and a renewed sense of purpose. Along the way, you'll meet fascinating and funny people, experience trail magic, and discover that every choice we make on the path has consequences for the journey. More than that, you'll come away with a new understanding of God's grace and guidance, even in the smallest things.
Biking Across America

After Paul Stutzman finished hiking the Appalachian Trail, he found himself longing for another challenge, another adventure. Trading his hiking boots for a bicycle, Paul set off to discover more of America. Starting at Neah Bay, Washington, and ending at Key West, Florida, Paul traversed the 5,000 mile distance between the two farthest points in the contiguous United States. Along the way he encountered nearly every kind of terrain and weather the country had to offer - as well as hundreds of fascinating people whose stories listeners will love. Through cold and heat, loneliness and exhaustion, abundance and kindness, Paul pedaled on. His reward - and the listeners' - is a glimpse of a noble yet humble America that still exists and inspires. Anyone who longs for adventure, who loves travel and stories of travel, and who loves this place called America will enjoy this book.
Pilgrims: On the Camino de Santiago

Paul Stutzman joins the pilgrims on the Way of St. James, a hike almost 500 miles long, starting in France and stretching across northern Spain. This pilgrimage is not only for the adventure—he needs to find answers and clarity on personal and faith issues. A Mennonite on a Catholic pilgrim trail, his journey across mountains and plains and through ancient towns is enriched by the people he meets along the way. He’s looking for one thing: a deeper understanding of what it means to follow Jesus Christ. Please NOTE: This account of a Camino de Santiago hike is also included in "Stuck in the Weeds", a longer collection of accounts of several pilgrimages. This book is ONLY the account of the Camino hike.
Mississippi Misadventure

Paul Stutzman, drawn again by the lure of adventure, takes on the mighty Mississippi River—but his experience in a seaworthy kayak is like nothing he had ever imagined from boyhood daydreams or his occasional glimpses of the broad river when traveling America’s highways. Not much of a swimmer and with his only previous kayaking experience simply “floating with the current,” he begins his journey with the knowledge that a friend has had a foreboding dream about this trip. In addition, Paul is a modern-day Jonah, determined to keep to his own agenda and ignoring God in his planning. PLEASE NOTE: Paul Stutzman's adventure on the Mississippi River was also published previously as one segment of "Stuck in the Weeds." This book is ONLY the Mississippi River adventure.
The 13th Disciple

Paul Stutzman’s hiking shoes have slogged through Maine’s mud, filled with Mississippi River water, traversed Spain’s plains, and now tread, in awe, some of the same hillsides, shores, and streets where Jesus’ sandals trod.On a hike through Israel, Paul and his friend Craig visit places that were prominent in the life and ministry of Jesus. Paul is seeking two things: to better know the human Jesus and to find the answer to a question that has puzzled him for years—What does it mean to follow Jesus?This journey changes Paul’s understanding of many of the stories in the Gospels. He writes his account in hopes that you, too, will find a closer relationship with Jesus of Nazareth as you go with him and Craig to Nazareth, Capernaum, the far country, the gates of hell, the manger in Bethlehem, the Garden Tomb, and the city of Jerusalem.
Don't Wait Too Long

Love stories—a change of direction for Paul Stutzman whose previous books have been adventure memoir and Amish fiction. Two love stories from two years of Stutzman’s life give him cause to write these personal reflections on life and faith. Don’t postpone those dreams. Don’t wait until a perfect “someday” or the “perfect moment.” This urgent message is applied to both personal relationships and issues and to the Christian’s walk of faith.
The Miracle Journey

A journey shared with those who have suffered devastating loss. How do we recover from blows that shatter our lives? Is there hope for restoration, and if so, how can we get there? Paul Stutzman goes to the Bible for help in finding the miracle journey that takes us through grieving, forgiveness, healing, and moving forward into the future.
The Wanderers - Book 1

Johnny Miller grew up in a secure, stable Old Order Amish family. He often quipped, though, that he was Out of Order Amish, never able to totally accept all the rules and standards of his family's way of life. His early and constant doubts about the Amish lifestyle lead to unwise choices ad unhappy consequences. Finally, he makes one really good choice: lovely, spunky Annie. Their love story seems to bring peace -- for a short time. Then, a tragic turn of events leads to one more desperate decision, and even as Johnny leaves behind the life he's always known, he's not sure whether the path he has chosen will lead toward life and hope or destruction and condemnation.
Wandering Home - Book 2

Johnny Miller was 23 when he died the first time. The truck hit him as he pedaled along a Texas road, on a long-distance bike ride as he attempted to find a new life.His old life had vanished like a vapor. He thought he had lost everything on the day he lost his dear Annie.But he will lose far more before finally finding the way that leads to home ... and to life and peace.This is the second book in Paul Stutzman's Wandering Home Series, the story of a young Amish man's search for the life he was called to live.
Wander No More - Book 3

No longer wandering the country, Johnny Miller is home again, farming the land he loves in a quiet Amish community. But although he's not physically wandering, he is still wondering. Wondering why he is restless. Wondering why he feels that some piece of his life is not yet in place. Wondering why, when he was medically "dead," he was met by his wife, who told him his time to enter Heaven had not yet come--he was still needed on earth.This third and final book of "The Wanderers" series follows Johnny's wandering to a place where he finally finds home
More Than Happy

In the tradition of Bringing Up Bebe and Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, an in-depth look at the practices and principles of Amish parents and how they raise children who are self-sufficient, hard-working, and remarkably happy. The more time Serena Miller spent in Holmes County, Ohio, doing research for her popular Amish novels, the more she began to notice something—Amish children were the happiest children she’d ever seen. Despite not having modern toys and conveniences, they are joyful, serene, calm, and respectful—not to mention whipping up full meals and driving buggies before most of us will allow our children to walk to school alone. And yet, when she started asking questions about what these parents were doing differently, she was startled to learn that happiness is not a goal Amish strive for at all. In More Than Happy Miller uncovers many surprising insights, including the significance of real responsibilities, the wisdom of unplugging from technology, the value of unstructured time to play, the importance of firm rules, and the importance of each teenager’s freedom to decide what is best for their future. Full of practical takeaways, More Than Happy shows you how to apply the basic principles and parenting techniques the Amish use, so you can raise happy, well-adjusted kids.
The Cloud Factory

Lying in the grass and watching the changing shapes of clouds above her, young Meg wonders where clouds come from. Grandpa tells a whimsical story about the factory and the children who work there to make clouds. Beyond the fantasy, there is a teachable lesson -- children taking responsibility for their actions and working together to accomplish a task. Delightful illustrations for the younger set, easy enough for early readers. Ages 3 - 8.
The Great Cloud Rescue

Neil's curiosity and his dreams take him on an adventure in the skies high above Cloudville. But he's forgotten something very important, and he is in danger. Can his friends save him? A storybook with delightful characters for children 3-7.